Golden Pear Ruby Jewellery Necklace Set.

Golden Pear Ruby Jewellery Necklace Set.

Golden Pear Ruby Jewellery Necklace Set.
By Stone.

A black pearl and a shell of the black-lipped pearl oyster. The irides cent colors originate from nacre layers.

All shelled mollusks can, by natural processes, produce some kind of "pearl" when an irritating microscopic object becomes trapped within its mantle folds, but the great majority of these "pearls" are not valued as gemstones. Nacreous pearls, the best-known and most commercially significant, are primarily produced by two groups of molluskan bivalves or clams. A nacreous pearl is made from layers of nacre, by the same living process as is used in the secretion of the mother of pearl which lines the shell.

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