Diamond Ruby Gold Jewellery Erring

Diamond Ruby Gold Jewellery Erring.

Diamond Ruby Gold Jewellery Erring
By Stone.

Fleetwood Rawstone's "Red Cap Party" of prospectors on Colesberg Kopje
In 1869, an even larger 83.50-carat (16.700 g; 0.5891 oz) diamond was found on the slopes of Colesberg Kopje on the farm Voor ui zigt belonging to the De Beers brothers. This sparked off the famous "New Rush" and within a month, 800 claims were cut into the hillock which were worked frenetically by two to three thousand men. As the land was lowered so the hillock became a mine—in time, the world-renowned Kimberley Mine. Following agreement by the British government on compensation to the Orange Free State for its competing land claims, Griqualand West was annexed to the Cape Colony in 1877.

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